
Already a Bailey Boys Retailer? 

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Interested in becoming a Bailey Boys Retailer?

All new accounts are opened by our sales representatives.

Please contact the sales representative that corresponds with your store's state.

Rachel Bailey Ana Scaffidi Julia Dean Susan Callahan
Covers the following states: Covers the following states: Covers the following states: Covers the following states:
GA, FL, AL LA, TX, MS, AR, OK, MO SC, NC, TN, KY, VA, MI, MD, OH, PA Northeast Region
(912) 230-1990 (504) 339-3778 (912) 223-8554 (508) 864-9653
rachel@baileyboys.com AnaScaffidi@gmail.com julia@baileyboys.com callahansalesrep@gmail.com

If your store is located in a state that is not listed above, please contact our Corporate Office:

The Bailey Boys Corporate
155 Skylane Rd.
St. Simons Island, GA 31522
(912) 638-3311