Already a Bailey Boys Retailer?
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Interested in becoming a Bailey Boys Retailer?
All new accounts are opened by our sales representatives.
Please contact the sales representative that corresponds with your store's state.
Rachel Bailey | Ana Scaffidi | Julia Dean | Susan Callahan |
Covers the following states: | Covers the following states: | Covers the following states: | Covers the following states: |
GA, FL, AL | LA, TX, MS, AR, OK, MO | SC, NC, TN, KY, VA, MI, MD, OH, PA | Northeast Region |
(912) 230-1990 | (504) 339-3778 | (912) 223-8554 | (508) 864-9653 |
rachel@baileyboys.com | AnaScaffidi@gmail.com | julia@baileyboys.com | callahansalesrep@gmail.com |
If your store is located in a state that is not listed above, please contact our Corporate Office:
The Bailey Boys Corporate
155 Skylane Rd.
St. Simons Island, GA 31522
(912) 638-3311